A digital strategy roadmap sets you up for success by laying out the transformation plan, accountabilities, & KPIs needed to ensure your results match your aspired goals. A digital strategy roadmap should not only be customized according to your specific situation, aspired outcomes & your every need, but also answer key questions, as follows:
Digital Vision:
· How is digital changing your industry sector?
· What new business models can digital enable?
· What new competition can digital empower?
Competitive Advantage Analysis:
· How is digital affecting your competitive advantage?
· What are your advantages & disadvantages?
· What are your digital opportunities?
· Are your digital opportunities consistent with your business strategy, ambition & capabilities?
· In what order should you tackle these digital opportunities?
Gap Analysis:
· What gaps in capabilities, organization, & tools based on your prioritized digital opportunities do you face?
Transformation Roadmap:
· What are your programs’ the timelines, specific objectives, & related accountabilities?
· What needs to be done to fund the journey?
A mutually-supportive & internally-consistent system of choices is created by these deliverables embedding digital strategy in business strategy, tightly tying execution to both.
Most organizations wanting to transform digitally aim high though these aspirations can often not be realized. All too soon these organizations are confronted with a reality that falls short of set hopes as they simply & only defined their high-level strategy, activated their least viable products, & just scaled these across the organization.
Industrial Tracking Systems Inc. (in short: ITS) is an innovative technology company from Germany offering an integrated approach so to meet your every expectation & help you evolve your organization, accelerate through technology, & thus deliver value to your organization in this evolving digital economy. We would like to help you achieve optimal results, & design, develop & launch the critical capabilities required for your organization to accomplish that.
Reach out to us so that our experts can help your organization define a robust digital strategy & reach the next level. We would like to offer a free-of-charge evaluation of your organization’s short-term potential on the path to digital transformation.
